Airplane Registration Number C-ICJO Aircraft Mark Number free data search

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Aircraft Mark Number - Open Data Analysis

Aircraft Mark Number C-ICJO Data

This is our explanation and analysis of C-ICJO registered aircraft in CANADA. Focusing on the significance of the Aircraft Mark Number C-ICJO. By examining the various fields within the dataset, we can gain insights into the unique attributes and characteristics of this aircraft.

Table Explaining Aircraft C-ICJO

License Plate Number:C-ICJO
Registration Date:25/11/2009
Manufacturer:Birdman Enterprises Ltd. (CANADA)
Current of Previous Owner:Daniel Reynolds

Airplane Mark Number C-ICJO by Country

The key identifier (or licence plate) from CANADA is the Aircraft Mark Number C-ICJO. Depending on the country, the number will start with N- (for USA) or C- (for Canada). other countries have similar aircraft numbers on the tail or bottom of the plane. These mark numbers serve as unique designations for individual aircraft, allowing for easy identification and tracking. They are typically assigned by aviation authorities or regulatory bodies such as the FAA or Transport Canada.

The Aircraft C-ICJO

Let's focus on the specific aircraft with the mark number C-ICJO, which was registered on 25/11/2009. The aircraft features 1 engine(s) and has the serial number 1377.

It was manufactured in the year 01/01/1984 by Birdman Enterprises Ltd. (CANADA). The model name associated with this aircraft is CHINOOK WT II (Aeroplane - Basic Ultra-light). This gives a good indication of its classification or type of aircraft. The owner of this aircraft is Daniel Reynolds , with their address located at BAG 108 Dawson City, Yukon, Y0B1G0 in CANADA.

FAQs About Airplane Registrations:

1. Why is the Aircraft Mark Number important?

The Aircraft Mark Number is important because it allows for unambiguous identification of each registered aircraft. It enables efficient tracking, maintenance, and regulation of the aviation industry. You can use it to lookup C-ICJO on our website of the FAA/Transport Canada websites.

2. Who assigned Aircraft Mark Number C-ICJO?

Aircraft Mark Numbers such as C-ICJO are typically assigned by aviation authorities or regulatory bodies such as the FAA or Transport Canada. These organizations follow specific guidelines and procedures to allocate unique Mark Numbers to each registered aircraft. This one was issued 25/11/2009.

3. What is the Significance of the aircraft licence number?

The Aircraft Mark Number acts as a primary identifier, allowing aviation authorities to track and regulate each registered aircraft. This number serves various purposes, including maintenance schedules, ownership verification, and accident investigation. Optimal aircraft management relies on accurate and up-to-date Mark Numbers.

4. Who owns C-ICJO?

The Aircraft C-ICJO is owned by Daniel Reynolds of CANADA.


This Aircraft baring Mark Number C-ICJO is a 01/01/1984 Birdman Enterprises Ltd. (CANADA). It was registered on 25/11/2009 in CANADA. The Mark number serves as a crucial element in the registration and identification of aircraft. This unique identifier, such as C-ICJO, facilitates the administration, management, and safety measures associated with the aviation industry.

By analyzing and understanding the various fields within the registered aircraft dataset, we can gain invaluable insights into the characteristics and attributes of each aircraft.

#Aircraft #Search #MarkNumber #C-ICJO #AircraftRegistration #USA #Canada #FAA

About This Data Set:

This data set was obtained from U.S. FAA and Transport Canada and shows a list of Registered Aircrafts. This allows you to search Aircraft Mark Number. The data set is FAA and Transport Canada data about the C-ICJO aircraft explained in detail.